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Price of premium in FWD Kasih

FWD Kasih offers 4 types of plans to suit one's needs based on the amount of coverage they need. Customers may get a plan starting from as low as RM2.03*.

*price differs based on the amount of coverage, age and gender.

Pasted Graphic 7.tiff

Who can apply for FWD Kasih?

  • Candidates from low income group B40 

  • Minimum age of 19 to a maximum of 55

  • Must have a healthy health profile that insured need to agree with the declaration before proceeding with registration


There are a few exceptions that FWD Kasih has the right to not compensate the compensations to the insured if they have committed these few actions:

Commit Suicide

FWD Kasih will not pay the death benefit under this certificate if the claim made occurs as a result of suicide by the person covered within one year from the start date of the takaful certificate schedule regardless of the mental condition of the person covered. 

Suicide attempt or deliberate self-harm

FWD Kasih will not pay total and permanent disability benefits under this certificate if the claim is made within one year of the start date of the takaful certificate table as a result of attempted suicide or intentional self-injury by the person covered, regardless of the person's mental condition.

Illegal actions

Under this certificate, FWD Kasih will not pay total and permanent disability benefits if a claim occurs as a result of the individual covered intentionally engaging in an unlawful conduct, failing to act unlawfully, or any unlawful effort.


FWD Kasih will not pay total and permanent disability benefits under this certificate if the claim is an act of war, coup d'état, revolution, riot or any similar event.

Payment information

  • Registration must be made on our specific registration link to enjoy discounts on the premium for the first year.

  • Payment can be made through debit or credit card based on the frequency of payment (monthly/ annually)

  • For any payment related questions, feel free to contact our agent for more informations

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